Relationship between Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Labour, Job Stress and Burnout: Does coping strategy work?


  • Banji Rildwan Olaleye Federal University Oye Ekiti



emotional intelligence, emotional labour, job stress, burnout, mindfulness meditation, health sector


This study seeks to examine the mediation effect of surface acting (SA), deep acting (DA), and job stress (JS) between emotional intelligence (EI) and burnout (BO) and also the sequential mediation of SA-JS and DA-JS between EI and burnout. It also deepens understanding of the moderating role played by mindfulness meditation (MM) as a coping strategy on the effect of JS on burnout. A cross-sectional plan was designed, whereby a survey was randomly used to obtain data from 338 medical personnel from private hospitals in Nigeria, and a partial least square structural equation modeling was used to test hypotheses contained in the heuristic model depicting the structural relationship between constructs. However, the discovery shows that JS is a significant mediator between EI and Burnout, and also there’s a partial mediation of SA-JS and DA-JS between EI and burnout. Findings have it that MM significantly moderates the effect of JS on burnout and MM’s inefficiency negatively impacts JS on Burnout. Hence, the heuristic model remains a cogent contributor to the body of knowledge and the moderating role of mindfulness meditation as a copying strategy, as well as conducting the study among medical personnel of privately-owned hospital in Nigeria health care sector.


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