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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Author Guidelines

The Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business (JISIB) is open for the submission of original research articles and opinion articles. JISIB also publishes book reviews and conference proceedings by invitation only. 


The journal includes articles within the areas of competitive intelligence, business intelligence, market intelligence, scientific and technical intelligence and geo-economics. The journal has both a managerial as well as an applied technical side (information systems). Topics within the selected study areas should show clear practical implications.

Submission and review process

All submissions should proceed through the online submission system. Users must first create a user name and login. In case of issues with the submission system, please contact the site administrator.

Criteria for acceptance are the manuscript’s appropriateness to the journal’s field, taking into account the merit of the contents and presentation. The manuscript should be concise, conform to professional standards of English usage and grammar and be free of plagiarism. Manuscripts are received with the understanding that they have not been previously published, are not being submitted for publication elsewhere, and that if the work received official sponsorship, it has been duly noted in the text. Submissions are refereed, and authors will usually be notified within six to ten weeks.

Reviewers must report any conflicts of interest and respect the confidentiality and non-disclosure rules for the journal. JISIB uses a double-blind peer-review system. Referees are selected from leading authorities in the field. Authors are invited to name candidates who should be disqualified from reviewing their manuscript, in which case the authors may be asked to provide justification (typically expressed in terms of a conflict of interest).

Please review the full publication ethics and publication malpractice statement


JISIB does not charge any fees for submission, processing (APC), publication or Open Access indexing.

Open Access and archiving

All articles accepted and printed by JISIB are immediately released as Open Access, as described by the Budapest Open Access Initiative, 2002. 

Once content is given to JISIB authors cannot demand to have it withdrawn. Authors are free to distribute content without restrictions. JISIB does not reuse content submitted by authors.

All articles are digitally archived through LOCKSS.

Article types

JISIB accepts the free solicitation of original research (maximum 15,000 words) and opinion articles (maximum 8,000 words). In addition, book reviews (maximum 5,000 words) and conference proceedings may be published by invitation. 


Manuscripts should be written in English (either American or British is acceptable, as long as consistency is retained throughout the text). All manuscripts should be checked by a native English speaker prior to submission. 

Articles should be submitted with a cover page that states the manuscript name as well as the author names and affiliations, with the corresponding author clearly indicated. In order to ensure that all peer-review adheres to our double-blind policy, the author names should not be listed at any point after the cover page, including in-text references. 


The abstract should be the first text on page two of the manuscript. Abstracts should be no more than 300 words in length and should clearly outline the aims, methods, key findings and importance of the study.

New for 2019: Authors should clearly state what specific problem they are solving, in the abstract as well as in the paper. 


Three to five keywords should be listed directly after the abstract. Keywords should be listed in alphabetical order and should not be capitalized, unless referring to a proper noun.

Main text

The text (font size 11-12) should be double-spaced and structured by numbered subheadings. It should contain (a) an Introduction, giving the appropriate background and context for the study, and stating the purpose/aims, (b) a main body, describing in sufficient detail the materials or methods used, data, analysis and the results or systems developed, and (c) a conclusion or summary with implications and recommendations for future research.


Reference citations within the text should have the following form: (author year). For example, (Jones 1990). Specific page numbers are given to identify quoted material e.g. (Jones 1990, 100). A citation with two authors would read (Jones and Smith 1990); three or more authors are listed using et al.: (Jones et al. 1990). When the author is mentioned in the text, only the date and page number should appear in parenthesis – e.g. According to Jones (1990, 100). References should be listed alphabetically by author at the end of the article. Journal names should not be abbreviated. Multiple citations by the same author should be listed chronologically and should each spell out the author’s name. Articles appearing in the same year should have the following format: Jones, Thomas (1990a), Jones, Thomas (1990b) etc, with the letters in order of the citations’ appearance in text.

Footnotes are not allowed, and should instead be incorporated as parenthetical notes or references, as applicable. 


Dahlberg, Ingetraut. 1978. A referent-oriented, analytical concept theory for INTERCONCEPT. International classification 5: 142-51.

Sager, Juan C. 1990. A practical course in terminology processing. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Sukiasyan, Eduard R. 1996. Change as a problem of classification system development. In Rebecca Green ed., Knowledge organization and change: proceedings of the 4th International ISKO Conference. Frankfurt: Indeks Verlag, pp. 119-22.

To facilitate quick and accurate reference formulation authors are encouraged to use a reference manager, such as EndNote or Zortero.

Tables and figures

All tables and figures should be referenced in order in the text (for example: Table 1, Fig. 1). Tables and figures should be sized at either one column (8 cm) or two columns (17.1 cm) wide, and should not exceed a single page in length. If a table must span several pages, ensure that all headings are repeated on each subsequent page. Table and figure text should be written in a clearly legible sans-serif font sized 6-10 pt. High quality versions of figures (minimum 300 dpi) may be attached separately in .tiff, .png or .pdf format.

Table and figure legends should be inserted at the end of the manuscript, after References, along with their accompanying table/figure to facilitate the review process. Figure and table legends should be written in complete sentences and have a short, single-sentence title in bold, followed by a 100- to 300-word description of the table/figure. This description should outline the information shown, define any abbreviations used and indicate the purpose of any coloration or shading. Where a figure is made up of several similar parts, the designations A, B, C, etc. should be used to clearly differentiate the sections. Coloration may be used in figures only when it increases the clarity of the information presented or is necessary to distinguish parts of a graph, chart, etc. 

Funding sources and conflicts of interest

All funding sources should be explicitly stated at the end of the article, either in the Acknowledgements section or in a separate Funding section. Authors must state any conflicts of interest that are pertinent to the submitted text.


We are looking for articles that bring both interesting and useful findings.

Opinion Section

The journal has opened an opinion section, allowing for contribution which does not fit the format of empirical studies, but offer critical perspectives on the subject studied in this journal. We believe these are important contributions. A discipline should always question what it is doing and it must be able to welcome other methodologies, be it from Critical theory, Post modernism or the Historical school.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.