Competitive intelligence application: The case of geothermal power plant development in rural Tompaso, North Sulawesi, Indonesia


  • Franky Reintje Tulungen
  • Wilmar Maarisit
  • Parabelem Tino Dolf Rompas


Competitive intelligence, environmental issues, geothermal power plant, rural Tompaso


The vision of the community around geothermal power plants and thedevelopment of the power plants should be based on sustainable development principles,without jeopardizing the quality of life and justice for communities surrounding the power plant.This research aims to: (i) identify issues that arise as an result of the development of geothermalpower plants in rural Tompaso, and (ii) find solutions to the issues to minimize the conflictsthat arises from further geothermal power plant development in rural Tompaso and itssurroundings. This study is based on the competitive intelligence research method. The resultsshow that the development of geothermal power plants in Tompaso has a negative impact onthe natural and social environment. The technical solutions offered include: (i) bioremediationby cultivating plants that absorb arsenic; (ii) biosulfurization and desulfurization for reducingair pollution, especially sulfur; (iii ) floods and extreme drought managed by improvinginfrastructure and reforestation; (iv) social conflicts (land acquisition, working days, laborrecruitment and settlement security) are solved by intensifying program dissemination to thecommunity and involving local communities in decision making. The recommended policyprovides incentives to the local community through strategic programs for the development ofhuman and natural resources.


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