Investigating the competitive intelligence practices of Peruvian fresh grapes exporters


  • Christophe Bisson
  • Maria Mercedes Tang Tong



Behavior, competitive intelligence, grapes exporters, Peru, typology


This paper reports an empirical study of Peruvian fresh grapes exporters with theaim of delineating the behavioral and operational typology of their competitive intelligencepractices. Cluster analysis was used as an exploratory tool to determine the correlation, if any,between the size of the company, grapes exports share of total exports, the percentage of theRed Globe variety in total grapes exports and the size of the grape farm with the typology andthe average price received at export between August 2016 and July 2017. The behavioral andoperational typology of competitive intelligence practices model, developed by Wright et al,(2012), was used. The findings reveal that exporters have a positive behavior towardscompetitive intelligence practices, but cannot make good use of them due to a lack of knowledge,and deficiencies in organization and in technological and IT systems support. As 37 companiesparticipated in this experiment, this study could be extended to all non-traditional Peruvianagricultural exports. It has been possible to identify areas where changes are needed to enablethese exporters to perform at a higher level of competence. In addition, it appeared that aslightly higher level of attitude and IT systems support pays off as medium-sized companiesachieved a higher price per ton compared to big companies. This study is the first to present atypology of competitive intelligence practices in Peru and is one of the very first to studycompetitive intelligence in this country and agriculture.


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