Analysis of Competitive Intelligence in Retail Management in The Jordanian Market from the Consumer’s Perspective


  • Khaled Khalaf Alafi The World Islamic Sciences and Education University
  • Bader Ismaeel The World Islamic Sciences & Education University
  • Mohammad Nassar Almarshad Department of Administrative Sciences, Al-Huson University college, Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan
  • Majdi Azzam Al-habash Department of Financial and Administration, Balqa Applied University, Amman, Jordan
  • Rowaida Al-Aqrabawi Al-Ahliyya Amman University, 19328, Amman, Jordan



Competitive Intelligence, Jordanian Retail Management, Market Performance, PLS-SEM


Using a consumer-centered approach, this study investigates the dynamics of competitive intelligence (CI) in Jordanian retail management. The goal of the study is to determine how various aspects of competitive intelligence relate to market performance in the Jordanian retail industry. A total of 334 participants make up the study's sample size; they were carefully chosen using stratified random sampling to minimise bias and guarantee a thorough representation of the various retail segments. The Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) method is used in the study to fully explore the connections between the intelligence and store performance factors. The findings highlight a number of significant relationships. The market performance of Jordanian retailers is positively correlated with competitors' intelligence, consumer intelligence, market intelligence, technological intelligence, and the intelligence of strategic alliances. These findings highlight the central role of understanding competitive strategies, consumer behaviour, market trends, strategic alliances, and technological advancements in market success. In contrast, the study finds an insignificant positive relationship between social intelligence and market performance in Jordanian retailing. This suggests that while social intelligence is important, its direct impact on immediate market performance in this specific environment may be limited. Generally, this study provides valuable insights into the intricate interplay between intelligence factors and market performance in Jordanian retailing from the consumer’s perspective. The implications of these findings are significant for retail practitioners, as they urge strategic focus on competitor analysis, consumer-centric approaches, technology adoption, and strategic collaborations to improve market competitiveness and performance. The study not only contributes to the academic discourse but also provides actionable insights for retail management strategies in the dynamic and competitive Jordanian market. Keywords: Competitive Intelligence, Jordanian Retail Management, Market Performance, PLS-SEM

Author Biography

Bader Ismaeel, The World Islamic Sciences & Education University



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