Leveraging organizational knowledge vision through Strategic Intelligence profiling - the case of the Romanian software industry


  • Gianita Bleoju
  • Alexandru Capatina




CRM, QoE, QoS, Qp, Mobile services, Business Intelligence, ERP


This paper presents the empirical testing of a Strategic Intelligence profiling tool customized for software development companies that we have previously designed, through an abductive methodology. We conducted a quantitative survey to identify the associations between the strategic profiles embedded into the profiling tool (Intelligence Provider, Vigilant Learner, Opportunity Captor and Opportunity Defender) and four variables with high impact on organizational knowledge: strategic scope, organizational agility, organizational cultural change process and the approach of competitors. We found that the relevance of our Strategic Intelligence tool’s variables is a consistent base for testing the robustness of the model in software industry, in order to validate the profiling instrument. We consider that the originality of the Strategic Intelligence profiling tool, tailored to software industry requirements, resides mainly in the foresight capability of the firm, which is highly dependent on less acknowledgeable factors such as: anticipative versus non-anticipative signal processing; the profile specific equilibrium of recognitional versus analytical strategic decision and rising the actionability of tacit managerial knowledge through collective intelligence reliability. 


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